

Adventures of Catbaby


Season 1 • Episode 3 • Are we there yet?

It’s Catbaby here, superhero-in-training. As you may remember from last week, we were just about ready to head for grandmama and grandpapa’s house

The Prius was loaded. All the diaper changing, and baby-butt decontamination supplies were aboard. So were the usual bribes — books, musical toys, stuffed animals, nunchucks, and sugary snacks — Ok, I’m just kidding about the nunchucks…I’m not quite ready for martial arts weapons…me trying to feed myself with a spoon is still a hit and miss proposition.

I’m just chilling in my car seat while mom and dad are in the front going over their checklist. Dad, forgetting something, groans, gets out and heads back to the house. When he reaches the porch, Boris the cat (my wannabe ninja sidekick) springs from the hedges, and clamps onto his ankles. Dad screams, spins around, and River Dances off the edge of the porch, while Boris ejects himself, and hightails it back to the bushes.

Eventually, dad limps back to the car and says “Got it.” and hands me my iPad mini.

In my sweetest voice that’s surely kryptonite to a diabetic, I say, “tank ooh dada”

Dad replies, “You’re welcome sweetie.” Then he looks over at mom and gloats, “Did you hear that dear…a complete three-word phrase, ending with daddy.” Mom pretends to ignore him and continues scrolling through her Pinterest pages. When dad begins whistling a perky little tune — she’d had enough, “Yesterday, she told me ‘thank you mommy’ thirty-seven times, and only said daddy twice, once to Frankenstein (her dog), and the second time it was to a checker at Target…who happened to be a woman.

Dad stopped whistling, and I felt the car start to move. Before dad could get out of the drive, I had Shrek 2 cued up on my iPad. Giggling, I fast forward to my favorite scene where Shrek, Fiona, and the donkey are riding along in an ‘onion’ carriage when the donkey poses an important question…

I get mom and dad’s attention and say my first ever four-word phrase. Along with the donkey, We ask…

“Are we there yet?


1 Comment

  1. I approach ACB as I do Netflix. I prefer to binge read several chapters so as to blend each nugget with the overall special suace that is ACB!
    Do I make my self clear? Hell no. I have no idea what I’m talking about but that doesn’t matter. What matters is this is good writing, good humor, good times!

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